Dave and I were just saying how we can't believe that we have a three year old. The time has gone by so fast. And Matthew is almost 7 months. Crazy!
The morning of Reagan's birthday Dave didn't get home till after 6am so I packed the kids up and took Reagan out for a birthday breakfast while her daddy got some much needed sleep. When we got home Dave was awake and could join us in the festivities. Dave and I got Reagan her first bike. She loved it so much she wanted to go ride it right away. It was pretty cold that day so she bundled up and Dave took her out and I had hot chocolate waiting for them when they got back in.
Reagan picket out her own birthday outfit all by herself.

Enjoying her gifts. Such a happy girl on such a special day.
She also picked out her own birthday cake. Maybe next year I will get creative and make her one myself.

Then we packed up everyone and headed to Gardener's village. it was so much fun but for some reason I can't put videos on my blog. So here is Matthew just hanging out in his stroller watching all the fun.

Reagan we can't believe you are 3. We love you so much and you add so much love and joy into our lives. You are such a funny,smart, and beautiful little girl. Thank you for being you.