About Me

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West Jordan, UT, United States
I'm Jen Nichols...I love hearing that name. Dave and I now live in West Jordan. Dave currently works at Pioneer Valley Hospital and Jordan Valley Medical Center. He is a Therapist for Pioneer Valley Hospital and does crisis work for them as well. Reagan is 3 yrs old and she is only getting cuter. Matthew just joined our little family on March 22, 2012. He is a sweet little guy. We are just enjoying the ride.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lights at Temple square

We finally got to go out and see the lights at temple square. It was the best night because it wasn't freezing which made walking around so much more enjoyable. we could actually enjoy the lights. Reagan didn't really have a good time but Matthew did great! He especially liked sitting on Grandpa's shoulders. All in all it was a really enjoyable evening. Loved being able to spend time with my family and my parents and sister. The lights were beautiful but it was a mad house everyone and their dog was there for Monday night family night or just out touring and enjoying the lights. I love this time of year!

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