I'm Jen Nichols...I love hearing that name. Dave and I now live in West Jordan. Dave currently works at Pioneer Valley Hospital and Jordan Valley Medical Center. He is a Therapist for Pioneer Valley Hospital and does crisis work for them as well. Reagan is 3 yrs old and she is only getting cuter. Matthew just joined our little family on March 22, 2012. He is a sweet little guy. We are just enjoying the ride.
Here are some more photos of Regan. She is now two months old. I can't believe how fast it goes. Dave has only one more semester of school. I have been adjusting to being a stay at home mom. It has been a difficult transition for me but I have come to enjoy it more and more. I also got a job where I can work from home. Reagan is celebrating her first christmas with us. We are so excited. We are starting to see her smile more and more everyday and we are loving every minute of it. She has been such a blessing and a special addition to our family. It's hard to imagine our life without little Reagan.
This is Reagan in her Blessing dress. A girl in our ward took these of her not long after her blessing day.
I'm not really good at this whole blogging thing as most of you know. But I plan on getting better I promise. Let me bring everyone up to speed. Reagan Marie Nichols was born October 13th, 2009 at 9:23am at 8 pounds.