About Me

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West Jordan, UT, United States
I'm Jen Nichols...I love hearing that name. Dave and I now live in West Jordan. Dave currently works at Pioneer Valley Hospital and Jordan Valley Medical Center. He is a Therapist for Pioneer Valley Hospital and does crisis work for them as well. Reagan is 3 yrs old and she is only getting cuter. Matthew just joined our little family on March 22, 2012. He is a sweet little guy. We are just enjoying the ride.

Friday, April 29, 2011

What the?

What the? is all I have to say. So Reagan has recently been taking her clothes off during her naps and while she sleeps through the night. It hasn't been a big deal until a couple of days ago when I went to get her from her nap and she had taken everything off again including her diaper. But this time there was poo everywhere...literally everywhere. little pellets of poo around the outside of her crib, she had taken it and smeared it all over her sheets and the inside of her crib and yes it was around her mouth. So I was mortified that my child had started eating her poo! After talking to a few people about this we got the idea to take some footed pajamas and cut the feet off and put them on her backwards so the zipper was on the back and she couldn't unzip it and take it off. The first couple of pictures are the result of this. She did not like this at all.

So we thought this was a great idea. Until this morning when I went to get her and she was standing up in her crib butt naked holding her pajamas with a huge grin on her face. Almost like she was saying ha ha you tried to trick me but it didn't work.
Dave and I both just stood there with our mouths open in total disbelief at the sight. Our daughter is hudini....I don't know if this is the right spelling but you get the idea.

So now we've resulted to duckt taping her diaper on her. If that doesn't work I don't know what we are going to do. Heaven help us then!


Rich and Brianne said...

LOL. And also, oh my goodness! You have quite the smart little girl there. Can't believe she was able to get the pajamas off after turning them around!!

Kathryn said...

oh gross! My friend was just complaining about this the other day, she was going to try turning around the pjs too. I hope Norah never goes through this, i'd probably throw up.

Jeanine said...

Maybe she's too hot in her pajamas; so where there's a will, there's a way? And maybe she's ready to start potty-training; you could make up a chart and when she goes poo in the toilet, she gets a sticker =)

Lee and Kaylie said...

Wow, That is awful. I would have died! I can't believe that she got them off still. That's pretty impressive! Good luck with the duck tape! I hope that works! If not I would be for potty training and hope that goes better!

Michelle Stocking said...

Oh, that is hilarious and awful all at the same time. But you have to admire here determination. Good luck!