About Me

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West Jordan, UT, United States
I'm Jen Nichols...I love hearing that name. Dave and I now live in West Jordan. Dave currently works at Pioneer Valley Hospital and Jordan Valley Medical Center. He is a Therapist for Pioneer Valley Hospital and does crisis work for them as well. Reagan is 3 yrs old and she is only getting cuter. Matthew just joined our little family on March 22, 2012. He is a sweet little guy. We are just enjoying the ride.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I just wanted to show you the difference of Reagan's moods. When she is feeling good and when she is feeling sick.
These first two pictures are obviously of her feeling good. And she looks adorable too :-)

Now these are the pictures of her being sick. For the past two weeks....maybe longer she has had an ear infection in both ears. She has not been a happy little girl. Poor little baby.

She normally loves riding the horsey but she just layed right down on the horsey's back and didn't move.

We hope you feel better soon Reagan.

1 comment:

Rich and Brianne said...

Oh so sad. I hate when they're sick! Poor girl. Hope she feels better soon--and that you guys are getting rest too!!