About Me

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West Jordan, UT, United States
I'm Jen Nichols...I love hearing that name. Dave and I now live in West Jordan. Dave currently works at Pioneer Valley Hospital and Jordan Valley Medical Center. He is a Therapist for Pioneer Valley Hospital and does crisis work for them as well. Reagan is 3 yrs old and she is only getting cuter. Matthew just joined our little family on March 22, 2012. He is a sweet little guy. We are just enjoying the ride.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Reagan Turns 5

Another year has gone by and it has gone by so fast. I can't believe that Reagan is 5. Ok well her birthday isn't actually until tomorrow but we celebrated on Saturday because her birthday falls on a Monday and that is one of Dave's long work days and wouldn't be home till after she went to bed. So we celebrated by going to Gardener Village to do all the witchy activities. We dressed her up like a little witch so she would blend in with all the other witches. She had fun and Matthew was amazed by all the witches. She wanted to ride the ponys really bad so we did that. Then She got her face painted and surprisingly so did Matthew. We didn't think that Matthew would last at all with the face painting because he pretty much had a meltdown when Dave tried to paint his face a few weeks ago. But the lady was really really fast at it. We did a witch scavenger hunt where we had to go and find all the witches on the list. That took a long time. We got some yummy pumpkin cake then headed home for dinner, cake and ice cream. My dad spent the day at Gardener Village with us then my mom and sister came for dinner and presents and cake. Reagan was really into my little pony this year so she got a lot of my little pony toys. She loved everything. She even loved her cake that Dave and I made to look like her favorite pony Rainbow Dash. She was worn out by the end of it all. But my favorite was when she came up to me before bed and said "mommy thank you for taking me to see the witches and for a wonderful day". I love her so much. I am amazed every day at how smart she is and such a loving and sweet little girl. We are very lucky and blessed to have her in our lives. Love you Reagan. Happy Birthday!!

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